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Cap rate calculator
The cap rate calculator is used to understand and compare the potential return on investment from an investment property.
Enter the current market value or purchase price of the property. This is the basis for determining the capitalization rate.
Input the total yearly income generated by the property, including rent, fees, and any other sources of revenue, before expenses.
Input the percentage of annual gross income that represents the property's total operating expenses. This is an alternative way to represent operating expenses if the exact dollar amount is unknown.
Enter the annual dollar amount of all costs associated with managing and maintaining the property, such as utilities, taxes, insurance, and repairs.
Input the estimated percentage of time the property is unoccupied or not generating income. This accounts for potential income loss due to vacancies.
This field displays the calculated yearly income after subtracting operating expenses and adjusting for vacancy rate. This figure is used to determine the capitalization rate and evaluate the property's potential return on investment.
Calculate cap rate
ResourcesseparatorProperty Management for Long Term Rentals

What to Do When Your Property Manager Ignores You

Key takeaways

What to Do When Your Property Manager Ignores You

Imagine this: You've just invested in a beautiful property, and to ensure its smooth management, you've hired what seemed like a reputable property manager. But weeks go by, and your emails and calls go unanswered. The excitement of your new investment quickly turns to frustration. Where do you turn when you're wondering where to report bad property managers?

Open communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship, especially between property owners and their managers. When this line of communication breaks down, it not only strains the relationship but can also impact the value and well-being of your property. As a property owner, it's crucial to understand the importance of maintaining this communication and knowing the steps to take when it feels like you're being left in the dark.

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Reasons Why Your Property Manager Might Ignore You

Understanding the root of the problem is the first step to finding a solution. If your property manager is unresponsive, it's essential to consider the potential reasons behind their behavior:

  • Overloaded with Work: Property management is a demanding job, especially during peak rental seasons. If your property manager handles multiple properties, they might be overwhelmed with tasks, leading to delayed responses.
  • Lack of Professionalism: An unprofessional property manager might not prioritize communication or may lack the necessary organizational skills to manage their workload effectively.
  • Miscommunication or Lack of Clarity in Agreements: Sometimes, the issue might stem from unclear expectations set at the beginning of the partnership. It's possible that the manager doesn't deem certain issues as urgent or believes they've already addressed your concerns.
  • Intentional Neglect: While it's an unpleasant thought, some managers might intentionally ignore property owners, especially if there are underlying issues like financial discrepancies or disputes.

Recognizing the potential reasons can guide your approach in addressing the situation and determining whether it's a temporary hiccup or a sign of a deeper problem.

Actionable Steps to Address Unresponsive Property Managers

When faced with unresponsive property managers, it's essential to take proactive steps. Here's a structured approach to help you navigate this challenging situation:

Step 1: Open a Line of Communication

Before jumping to conclusions, initiate a formal conversation. Send a well-drafted email or letter outlining your concerns, ensuring you mention any instances where you felt ignored. This step establishes a record of your attempts to communicate and provides a foundation should you need to report a property management company in the future.

Step 2: Review Your Contract

Revisit the agreement you signed with the property manager. Check for any clauses related to communication expectations or response times. This will give you a clear understanding of the terms and whether they've been breached.

Step 3: Document Everything

Maintain a detailed record of all interactions, including dates, times, and the nature of communication. This documentation can be invaluable, especially if you decide to complain about the property management company or consider taking legal action against the property management company.

Step 4: Seek Mediation

If direct communication fails, consider mediation. A neutral third party can help facilitate a conversation, ensuring both parties feel heard and working towards a resolution.

Step 5: Know Your Rights

Every region has specific laws and regulations governing property management. Familiarize yourself with these, especially if you're contemplating legal action. Knowing your rights empowers you to make informed decisions and understand when it's appropriate to take action against a neglectful manager.

Step 6: Consider a Change

If all attempts to reestablish communication fail, it might be time to reevaluate the relationship. Remember, as a property owner, you deserve a manager who respects and values open communication. Don't hesitate to seek out a more professional and responsive company if necessary.

If you need recommendations, here are the Top 6 Rental Property Management Companies you might want to check out.

Seeking Resolution: Your Guide to Addressing Concerns with a Property Management Company

When dealing with issues related to a property management company, it's essential to know how to effectively voice your concerns and seek a resolution. Whether you're experiencing problems with their services or unethical behavior, taking the right steps can help you address these issues properly. Here's your guide to filing a complaint against a property management company and exploring various avenues for resolution.

Contact the Owner or Management

One of the initial steps to address your concerns is to get in touch with the property management company's owner or top management. Communication is key, and even if you've already tried this, it's important to keep them informed about your issues.

Utilize Industry Resources

Consider utilizing industry-specific resources to file complaints. Depending on your situation, you might explore the following options:

Real Estate Association and NARPM (National Association of Residential Property Managers):

If the property manager is a member, you can file an ethics complaint with NARPM. Alternatively, if property management licenses are required in your area, you can file a complaint with the local real estate association. These organizations maintain codes of conduct for property managers, and those failing to meet the standards may face disciplinary actions.

Consumer Protection Agencies

Filing a complaint with the BBB is an effective way to draw attention to your concerns. The BBB will contact the property manager, which can lead to a review of their rating and possibly prompt positive action.

Legal Recourse

If other avenues fail to address your issues, consider working with an experienced real estate attorney to explore the option of filing a lawsuit against the property manager. This may help you recover your losses and address any legal infractions. The outcome will depend on the manager's business structure and the specific details of your situation.

If you need more information, this article is an in-depth resource: Where to Report Bad Property Managers.


Navigating the world of property management can be challenging, especially when faced with communication barriers. However, as a property owner, it's essential to remember the significance of mutual respect and open dialogue in the landlord-property manager relationship. Whether you're wondering where to report bad property managers or seeking ways to enhance communication, being proactive and informed is key.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where your property manager is unresponsive, don't hesitate to take action. From understanding the root causes to considering a change, every step you take ensures the well-being of your investment and peace of mind. After all, your property deserves the best care, and so do you.

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