Explore Airbnb market data and statistics by city.

Awning’s Airbnb Market Data gives you free Airbnb data for market research and analysis. Explore Airbnb data by city and see Airbnb bookings, demand, occupancy, and analysis by market.

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Address: 123 Main St San Francisco, CA
Market: Dallas-Fort Worth
Zip: 75204
City: Dallas

Note, if an address wasn't found, it's likely because we only support active listings on the market in our service area or that we haven't yet analyzed data for that home.

Check Out: Kissimmee, Gatlinburg, San Diego
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How to use Airbnb Market Data

Enter the zip code or city you are interested in researching. You’ll get access to Airbnb market insights including occupancy rates, value of amenities, daily rates, and the opportunity to browse the best Airbnb’s in the area to see what’s making them outperform the competition.

Make an Informed Decision

Airbnb market data analysis can help you make an informed decision about whether or not to invest in a market, convert your Airbnb and give you insights about how you perform against the competition. Dive into the top listings and view occupancy rates, daily rates, amenities and check out the full Airbnb listing.

Questions you can answer

Awning's Airbnb Market Data provides you with the information you need to select and analyze any Airbnb market, for free.

Is this a good market for an Airbnb?
What is the occupancy rate in this market?
How much are other hosts charging in this market?
How much revenue can a pool bring in my market?
How much revenue can a hot tub bring in my market?
What is the seasonality in this market?
Which market is better for an Airbnb?
How does my property compare in my market?
Estimate your property

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Contact Awning with any market you are interested in to get connected with a licensed agent in your area that can help you find the best Airbnb investments. There are no obligations.
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Awning is a technology company helping investors like you find, buy, furnish, and manage vacation rentals.

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Awning can help make your Airbnb standout with furnishing, amenities, and electronics.

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Awning charges an industry low 15% of monthly revenue to manage your vacation rental from listing to cleaning and everything in between.

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What is Airbnb market data?

Airbnb Market Data is a tool developed by Awning to showcase Airbnb data by city and zip code across the United States. Investors can gain insights into pricing, daily rates, occupancy, and the value of amenities. Investors use the tool to find new markets for investment. Hosts use the tools to see top Airbnb’s in the area to compare their properties to competing vacation rental listings.

What Airbnb market data is available with this tool?

The Airbnb market data available with this tool includes return on investment, revenue, average Airbnb price, market size, number of Airbnbs, average daily rate, occupancy, top Airbnbs, listings by bedroom count, amenities and the added value of installing them, the number of active rentals, and a map to browse active listings with links to their Airbnb properties. This information can be valuable for investors, hosts, and property managers looking to make data-driven decisions and optimize their Airbnb listings for maximum profit and occupancy.

What questions can you answer with this tool?

The tool can answer several questions related to the Airbnb market. It can help determine if a specific market is a good fit for hosting an Airbnb by providing information on the average daily rate, occupancy, and market size. It can also provide insights into the amenities that are popular in the market and the added value they can bring. Additionally, the tool can help hosts determine the potential revenue that a pool or hot tub can bring in their market. It can also provide information on the seasonality of the market, which can help hosts plan their pricing and marketing strategies. Finally, the tool can help hosts compare their property to others in the market by providing data on the number of active rentals and the top Airbnb listings in the area.

How often is the data on the Airbnb market data tool updated?

The data on the Airbnb market data tool is typically updated on a monthly basis.

Can investors use the Airbnb Market Data tool for market research?

Yes, investors can use the Airbnb Market Data tool for market research to gain insights into the performance of different markets, including metrics such as ROI, revenue, market size, and occupancy rates. The tool also allows users to compare different markets and identify top-performing Airbnb properties in specific areas. This information can be valuable for investors looking to make data-driven decisions about where to invest in short-term rental properties.